ClimaSouth training workshop for Algeria’s Office National de la Météorologie (ONM)

ClimaSouth training workshop for Algeria’s Office National de la Météorologie (ONM)

ClimaSouth conducted a training workshop for Algeria’s Office National de la Météorologie (ONM) on the topic of climate downscaling in preparation for studies of climate change impacts on forest fires in Algeri from the 12th until the 19th October . The course was held in the training room of ONM in Alger, and the training course director and lead lecturer was Dr. Edoardo Bucchignani of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC). The event was facilitated by Dr. Neil Ward (ClimaSouth), who introduced the ClimaSouth project and the anticipated activities in Algeria on downscaling and forest fire impacts, as well as providing some of the supporting lecture material and hands-on training. Material presented covered the topics of climate change, climate variability and downscaling (dynamical and statistical).

For specialized staff at ONM, some lectures and associated discussions covered advanced topics including implementation of the COSMO-CLM regional climate model. The ONM is a member of the COSMO-CLM community and, during the workshop, model implementation began at the ONM computing facility.

The work will be further develop through a collaboration between the ONM and Algeria’s Direction Générale des Forêts, with technical assistance also provided through CMCC during the assessment of climate change impacts on forest fire risk in Algeria.