Cities and regions will get their voice in Marrakech

Cities and regions will get their voice in Marrakech 

Cities and regions will have a solid presence and get their voice heard during next climate global summit. The European Committee of the Regions (COR) and the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) will organise a series of events to ensure cities and regions’ pledges are heeded during the COP22 to be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, during the forthcoming month of November.

Concerted action of municipalities and regions working together is key to implementing the goals set in the Paris Agreement.  The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy has become the largest coalition of cities addressing climate and energy challenges at local level. The CoR – the only EU institution representing local and regional authorities – is contributing to this success by promoting the Covenant via its networks and partners and by mobilizing mayors on both shores of the Mediterranean. 

Several events will be co-organised by the CoR during the COP in Marrakech: On 14 November at the Palais des Congrès, Summit of Local and Regional Leaders for Climate and Conference of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy: the global network. On 15 November at the Civil society pavilion, 2nd meeting of the ARLEM Commission for Sustainable Territorial Development and Conference: Partnership for sustainable energy and climate change policy in the Euro-Mediterranean area.  |   VIEW DETAILS FOR ALL EVENTS  !